Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Quand on Parle du Loup French Proverb Meaning

Quand on Parle du Loup French Proverb Meaning Expression: Quand on parle du loup (on en voit la queue) Pronunciation: [ka(n) to(n) parl du loo] Meaning: Speak of the devil (and he appears) Literal translation: When you talk about the wolf (you see its tail) Register: normal Notes The French proverb quand on parle du loup is used just like the English speak of the devil, when you are talking about someone who arrives right then or shortly after. Its interesting that in both expressions, the talked-about person is referred to as mean or evil- the devil is worse than a wolf, of course, but the latter is still considered a savage animal. Its also intriguing that in English, the devil appears completely, so to speak, while in French you only see the loups tail. Somehow the latter seems more ominous as if its sneaking up on you. Example Je pense que Benoà ®t est un vrai... tiens, Benoà ®t  ! Quand on parle du loup  ! I think Benoà ®t is a real... hey, Benoà ®t! Speak of the devil!

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